Inspired by the challah featured on Cupcakes and Cashmere the other day, I selected that as my first adventure into bread. I followed the same Smitten Kitchen recipe as Emily (it's like I know her!), and I was equally impressed with the results.
My dear friend Lauren undertook this adventure with me, and her narration of the braiding was invaluable. I still managed to mess it up, but the messiness did not have an impact on the delicious flavor. The bread was the perfect density and had just enough taste of egg to be delicious without being overpowering.
Since it took an awfully long time to make, with all the rising time factored in, Lauren and I got quite hungry. I found this recipe last night while cruising Tastespotting, and it seemed like the perfect dish for a rainy day at the beginning of spring.
Spring Green Herbed Orzo Salad
This was the only picture I managed because I was too busy devouring its all-encompassing deliciousness. I left out the parsley in the original because I just don't like the way it tastes, and I used frozen peas instead of fresh. It seems to me that it worked out perfectly fine, since I could barely breathe I was eating it so fast. All in all, I'd say the day goes down solidly in the win column.
Your orzo salad looks delicious!! So glad that you liked the recipe :)
Also, the pics of your challah were actually making me drool. The shine! The browning! Mmmm.....
i'm drooling. DROOLING. looks SOooo yummy.
This food looks delicious! Thanks for the comment :) I am now following! Please do the same if you like my blog.
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