Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Getting Ready for the Coastal Surf

I have to say, as odd as some of the Essie names for polishes are, very rarely can they actually be called misnomers.  I am totally digging the Revlon Colorstay line, but have thus far struggled to remember the names, as they never seem representative of the color.  Here, we have Coastal Surf, which upon hearing the name I would assume to be some kind of pale green or blue, something reminiscent of whitecaps and waves crashing into my legs as I admire the dark North Atlantic of my home.

That aside, I do quite like this blue, it reminds me a bit of Essie's In the Cab-ana, but slightly darker.  This is a one coater, easy to apply with the wide brush, and it should have considerable lasting power, if the other colors I have in this formula are anything to go by.

I find myself wishing I had selected a more cheerful color last night, as the weather here is quite a drag right now. I'm getting the sadness I always feel right before I return to my beloved New Jersey, brought on, I assume, by my impatience to get there.

Any tips for surviving the ennui of a last work week before a relaxing return?

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