Sunday, March 6, 2011

March is still winter, kids.

At least it is here in Evanston:

That's correct, yesterday we were fortunate enough to get just a little bit more snow.  It's an inspiring view, right?  Luckily, I have several coping mechanisms for this particular situation, including, but not limited to, profuse crying, bemoaning my fate, not studying for my finals and this necklace.

An oldie but a goodie that I picked up a couple of years ago on sale at Banana Republic, I find it's golden gloriousness adds some degree of fly swagger to any outfit, and the color doesn't have that nasty sheen or tendency to tarnish that some less-than-real-gold jewelry can have.  BR and J. Crew are great places to look for fun jewelry that isn't too pricey, especially if you check out what's on sale.  The ivory details on this one just add that extra something that keeps it from being an LL Cool J-style gold chain, circa 1988.  He rocks it, though.  This Lady Loves Cool James.  So does Aries Spears.

Mad love.

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